Sunday, December 19, 2010

The road rose up ahead of us

We left Cizur Menor, ay 9:00, under cloudy skies and temperatures around 40 F. It being a Sunday there was a rather large group of day hikers on the camino. We all got it in gear and started the long climg up to Alto de Perdon. The cool temps made the climb a lot easier to deal with. It is a long climb over a stony path that has some steep sections to challenge you. We kept at it and a bit under two hours later we were at the summit. Now the fun began trying to negotiate the decent. The trail down is covered with round rock that makes it hard to establish good footing. But, we got through without injury (thank God) and continued on towards Puente La Reina, our stop for the night. At a small village, Muruzabal, we took a detour to see a slendid octagonal church at Eunate associated with the Knights Templar. We arrived in Eunate under slendid partly cloudy skies and temps approaching 50. It felt like an early fall day. We took some great pictures of the church and as soon as I can figure out how to upload them, I´ll post them. We arrived in Puente La Reina at 2:30 and are now ensconced in the albergue run by the Padres Reparadores. It is well equipped and very clean. Robin and I will attend the 7:00 mass tonight. We have much to give thanks for and not just for this splendid day walking, but for all the blessings of this trip. We have been truly fortunate. Off to Estella tomorrow (21.9 kms). I´ll try to post again tomorrow.


  1. Hi John and Robin,
    thanks for reporting from the camino. I follow you because I intend to start the camino in 2011.
    Enjoy and stay healthy.
    Henk Rostohar

  2. I well remember that walk DOWN from Alto de Perdon! So happy to see you doing well!

    Estella has a beautiful church to visit - with interesting sculptures in the cloister, and the alburgue there is very nice too!

    Ultreya, Peregrinos!
